Do You Realize We’re Living In a Science Fiction Movie?

This is a really weird story in the making

Erwin Lima
9 min readApr 12, 2023
Image courtesy of Amazon UK

Over the past 20 years or so, I’ve really loved sci-fi movies and series. But since about a year or two, I can’t seem to find any really, really good new ones. Except maybe Everything, Everywhere All At Once.

Which is kind of a good summary of our times, as a title.
Could have used that at the top, here. Anyway.

I think the reason I can’t find sci-fi movies anymore that really grip me, is because of this:

There’s not really a storyline anyone could imagine that would be weirder, more outlandish, scarier, more mystifying or confusing to unravel, than the times we’re living in right now.

The past few months feel like the beginning montage of every sci-fi movie ever

A quick overview of what we’re supposed to casually gloss over while we sip our morning coffee:

  • Your kids (and you, and I) have a super computer pointed at our faces for relatively large parts of our waking time, with its sole purpose of trying to predict what content to fire at our brains next to keep us maximally engaged. With for-profit goals at the end of that. All day.



Erwin Lima

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: